Guatemala 2018 Minimum Salary

Guatemala 2018 Minimum Salary

2018 is not different as the past years. The government fixed the new legal minimum salary for theis new year..
It is divided between Farm and Non Farm Activities Q 96.10 per day  and Exportation activities and maquila (manufacturing) is Q 82.46 per day.

The No Agicolas Activity is the one that interest the expat community which hires employee.
The minimum to be paid being  in 2018 is Q 2,992.37.
Salary Q 2,742.37 and Q 250,00 bonus incentive.

Plus the usual Bono 14 in July and the Aguinaldo in December.
Make sure you have your receipt for the salaries paid in 2017, including the Bonos and the vacacions for  2016 taken. Now it is times to discuss with your worker about when you would like him to take is vacations in 2018 (that will be the vacations accumulated in 2017).

If you question don't hesitate to write me and remember in case of doubt consult a lawyer that have experience in labor cases. As if taken to the Ministry of Labor being a foreigner you have all the chance to lose your case if you don't document properly the paiments of salaries and bonus...


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