Lake Atitlan in numbers
For the ones who wonders about the department of Solola where Lake Atitlan is located here are some numbers to help you understand the territory. Before making a decision where to live or retire you might consider some of this information...
The main town is Solola, from the department of Solola, people from Solola are called Sololateco.
Population estimated 477,706 and a density per km2 of 450 inhabitant / km2.
The altitude of Solola is 2,113 ABSL , temperatures Min 1.1oC Max 30.2o C this is at the altitude of Solola, down at the lake level the minimum are higher in the 14o C.
Around the department 4 languages are spoken : Spanish, K'iche', Kakchiquel and Tz'utujil.
Medium age 18 years old.. very young...
An important fact is the number of inhabitant per villages
Solola 130,621
San Jose Chacaya 5,092
Santa Maria Visitacion 2,704
Santa Lucia Utatlan 25,402
Nahuala 68,616
Santa Catalina Ixthahuacan 51,555
Santa Clara La Laguna 10,398
Concecpcion 7,124
San Andres Semetabaj 13,715
Panajachel 18,552
Santa Catarina Palopo 6,311
San Antonio Palopo 13,700
San Lucas Toliman 31,721
Santa Cruz La Laguna 7,983
San Pablo La Laguna 7,757
San Marcos La Laguna 4,784
San Juan La Laguna 11,536
San Pedro La Laguna 11,716
Santiago Atitlan 48,419
Total 477,706
There are 1,316 legally registered company in Solola
They occupy the folloing number of people
From 1 to 5 987 companies or 75% of the total
From 6 to 9 113 companies or 8,58% of the total
From 10 to 19 90 companies or 6.83%
From 20 to 49 65 companies or 4.93%
from 50 to 99 26 companies or 1.97%
more of 99 12 companies or 0.91 of the total
Sector of activity
Construction 2.67%
Transformation industries 3.85%
Transport and storage 4.15 %
Agriculture, farming fishing 9.04%
Water, waste 1.19%
Trade, vehicle maintenance 79.11%
Educacion of this very young poblation in 2013
93.1% of the student finish the first level of educacion (primario)
43.2% the basic level (basico)
and 7,325 students graduate in 2012
Lake Atitlan is the main attractive of Solola.
There are 226 hotels, 2,619 rooms and 7,393 beds
(source Bank of Guatemala and INE)
The main town is Solola, from the department of Solola, people from Solola are called Sololateco.
Population estimated 477,706 and a density per km2 of 450 inhabitant / km2.
The altitude of Solola is 2,113 ABSL , temperatures Min 1.1oC Max 30.2o C this is at the altitude of Solola, down at the lake level the minimum are higher in the 14o C.
Around the department 4 languages are spoken : Spanish, K'iche', Kakchiquel and Tz'utujil.
Medium age 18 years old.. very young...
An important fact is the number of inhabitant per villages
Solola 130,621
San Jose Chacaya 5,092
Santa Maria Visitacion 2,704
Santa Lucia Utatlan 25,402
Nahuala 68,616
Santa Catalina Ixthahuacan 51,555
Santa Clara La Laguna 10,398
Concecpcion 7,124
San Andres Semetabaj 13,715
Panajachel 18,552
Santa Catarina Palopo 6,311
San Antonio Palopo 13,700
San Lucas Toliman 31,721
Santa Cruz La Laguna 7,983
San Pablo La Laguna 7,757
San Marcos La Laguna 4,784
San Juan La Laguna 11,536
San Pedro La Laguna 11,716
Santiago Atitlan 48,419
Total 477,706
There are 1,316 legally registered company in Solola
They occupy the folloing number of people
From 1 to 5 987 companies or 75% of the total
From 6 to 9 113 companies or 8,58% of the total
From 10 to 19 90 companies or 6.83%
From 20 to 49 65 companies or 4.93%
from 50 to 99 26 companies or 1.97%
more of 99 12 companies or 0.91 of the total
Sector of activity
Construction 2.67%
Transformation industries 3.85%
Transport and storage 4.15 %
Agriculture, farming fishing 9.04%
Water, waste 1.19%
Trade, vehicle maintenance 79.11%
Educacion of this very young poblation in 2013
93.1% of the student finish the first level of educacion (primario)
43.2% the basic level (basico)
and 7,325 students graduate in 2012
Lake Atitlan is the main attractive of Solola.
There are 226 hotels, 2,619 rooms and 7,393 beds
(source Bank of Guatemala and INE)
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