The Law on Holidays

If you have people working for you in Guatemala because you own a house, business or a farm you need to take in consideration the law past the 15 of november 2010 decreet 42-2010 and called the Law to promote internal tourism. The law has been made with the idea that when people have a legal holiday if it falls not on monday or friday it should be moved in order to give the employees the opportunity to benefit of extended week ends, a commune practice in the developed countries.
So any foreigner owning real estate in Guatemala and most probably in Antigua Guatemala, Lake Atitlan or Rio Dulce as to understand the law to apply properly with his staff. The interesting aspect of this law is that it has only 3 articles. The First one indicates that the objectif of the law is to promote national tourism as a viable economic activity for the long term. The Second one indicates that to promote national tourism the holidays must be taken this following way: when the holiday is on a tuesday, the holiday will be taken on the monday before. If it falls on a wednesday or a thursday the holiday will be taken on the friday following. If the holiday is a saturday or a sunday there is no change. The holidays that won't change what ever days they are falling are the  first of january, Easter thursday, Easter Friday and Easter Saturday, First of may, 20 th of october, 1st of november, 24 th of december mid day, 25 th of december, 31 st of january mid day and the day of the town.
The Third is about the urgency to vote this law. Always look for help if you are not sure about what to do. Don't hesitate to consult our page on this matter at and our last properties for sale at


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